Friday, March 10, 2017

Hello Spring!

The spring equinox is coming soon. The earth is already awakening.

Our own “spring cleaning” can begin with dusting the cobwebs of stale, worn out thinking that winter’s darkness might have perpetuated.


  1. stale worn out thinking, that would be me :( sometimes i dont even think i'm doing the thinking because the same negative thoughts are always there. how do you keep them out of your head??

  2. Hi,

    I know what you mean by thoughts repeating themselves, even though we know they are harmful to our well-being.

    By ourselves, we cannot stop them. Our mind is split into ego thinking and Spirit Thinking. Ego allows for these thoughts and will never stop them.

    Only when we surrender to our Spirit Mind will these thoughts cease and be substituted with TRUTH. And the truth is we create every part of our reality with our thoughts, no exceptions, no matter how plausible it is to blame circumstances.

    The surrender also requires FAITH in Spirit. This is developed through constant prayer and study.

    I have recently endured a difficult season. I will admit fear has entered my mind, but the minute I recognize what I'm doing, I pray these thoughts be removed. VOILA!!! My FAITH always sets me free. XOXO
