Wednesday, December 5, 2012

My Ghost's Notebook

Not much was left behind by the estate, but it left just what I needed.


  1. So all that was left of the estate was a notebook? Can you tell who got the good stuff, lol.

    1. Hi,

      Upon discovery, the dusty old notebook looked like trash, and it might have been considered as such, had my daughters not found something else with it -- copper molds.

      One thing led to another and I discovered hidden treasures on every page. I turned its potential into a great fortune.


  2. Replies
    1. Hi,

      Secret formulas waiting to be developed...


    2. wow wish i could find a secret formula

    3. Hi,

      It's not wishbone but backbone -- be assertive -- seek and you shall find.

      The secret formula is inside you.

      Set your preference on giving and sharing rather than wanting and needing external things.

      Choose forgiveness rather than arguing that your perspective is right.

      By drawing from the wellspring of love within you, the secret formula to success will become apparent.

