Monday, January 29, 2024


That phrase is difficult to obtain, even more difficult to sustain should we have such a Holy Moment of Pure Bliss. As I see it, the mind is taking in messages from our individual world circumstances as well as messages from Higher Mind, or Spirit -- but never both at the same time!!!. I hear myself saying I will try to do better or I will change things, etc. I realize those thoughts are from my falsely omnipotent personality and must be stopped. Spirit is waiting for my empty mind to properly guide me. However, I often give my empty mind away to the circumstances in my life. The MORAL: Listen to the SILENCE. Let's talk...L L Cartin -- The Worthless Wife -- Living a Permanent Lie


  1. Maybe we dont need everything we think we want including outcomes.I try to be in the natural flow of where I am and not being as resistant. I wonder how many people have circumstance they like because I used to fight mine but that did not change anything so I gave in and found parts of it that works.

    1. I love your comment. It reflects a peaceful mind. Lesson 34 in ACIM for February 2nd is: "I could see peace instead of this."

      Sounds like you're doing just that :)
