Sunday, September 2, 2012


OH WOW!!! 

I was about to post a whole rant and rave about coincidences not being random -- but I don't need to do that now.

One just happened for you and me to see.

Look below at the time of the post.  This wasn't intended as this blog is not programmed to Eastern Standard Time where I live. 

Besides, my computer time read as 2:14.  I could not have planned this if I tried.

Every coincidence is a signpost from the Invisible.

Please share your own...

YouTube video:


  1. so what does this mean to you?????????

    1. Hi,

      Well, to answer your question, I first have to share what I believe about a coincidence.

      To me, it is a whisper, a curious pointer on my path to achievement or discovery.

      However, the meaning of a coincidence is often elusive and its interpretation is subjective.

      At best, it may be a clue to the will of the Universe responding to me, according to my desires.

      Over the next few days, I will watch for the reappearance of those numbers.

      Should there be an increased amount of times I see this, I can say with more promise that something wonderful is afoot.


  2. I tend to look for big coincidences not piddly ones. This seems like a non event :( but I guess I have looked at things with bigger expectations. Tell me why I am wrong please.

    1. Hi,

      Navigating our lives in the physical world is like being lost in a dense forest at night with only the light of a tiny candle.

      All we can see is what our narrow beam will illuminate.

      To our left might be a magnificent, thatched cottage with a roaring fire for warmth and enough food to fill us up.

      Perhaps to our right is a helipad and private chopper to airlift us out of the woods.

      But if our candlelight only reveals a half used book of matches or a single button from a pilot's uniform, and we think each one is a non event, we may wander in the wilderness longer than necessary.

      Every coincidence is telling us...look for more, your desires are being answered!


    2. I think I can see your point. Maybe I take some things for granted. Its a new way of interpreting.

    3. Hi,

      When you see another interpretation, it opens up your life to new experiences.

      There is no absolute to anything.

      I appreciate your comment, thank you.


  3. Twice when I looked at my clock since yesterday it was 11:11.

    1. Hi,

      You noticed because you are nurturing coincidence. By putting your attention on seeing more, more will come.

      Did you ever call to a bird in a tree with a mocking voice to his and then he called back? Try it, it's fun.

      The Universe is responding to your call in the same way. This can be the beginning of developing a relationship with the Invisible Realm.

      You'll never feel lonely or unprotected again.


  4. Confused about what the original coincidence was before you posted?

    1. Hi,

      At first, the Post was to explain the meaning of coincidence, things mysteriously lining up in an ordered fashion.

      Coincidence restores our awareness of a Power within us that is generating a fuller life. But that information was never posted.

      The time of 11:11 was only to be used as a possible example since people often find numbers as a way to begin taking notice of coincidence.

      Although the Post went up 2:14 EST, it registered 11:11. An actual, unplanned coincidence occurred, even more exciting because it stepped into the "experience" of coincidence.


  5. its so weird but I keep seeing 11:11 now too since I read this.

    1. Hi,

      Yes, and soon you will see many other things too.

      You are opening up to the Realm of All Possibilities.

      The physical body is hardwired for the Invisible. We have psychic centers is the form of:
      Clairvoyance -- seeing
      Clairaudience -- hearing
      Clairsentience -- gut feeling
      Intuition -- knowing

      The desire to become a loving, peaceful being awakens these centers.

      The next time you feel angry over anything, choose again -- choose for peace.
