Saturday, September 8, 2012


What we often see as an annoying pest, the moth, is actually a model for transformation.  It spins a cocoon like that of the butterfly and emerges anew. Great change happens within its protective wrap -- before a moth is able to take flight.

So it is with our life. The annoying things around us are the opportunities, wayshowers for us to change -- to become filled with Light and Love. Transformation must be within us, and it can be gentle if we simply allow for it whenever perceived obstacles appear.

YouTube video:


  1. Replies
    1. Hi,

      Thank you.

      The photographer is a true artist and I understand she looks at everything she sees as potential.


  2. hi. how can you tell if someone is just shut down like in denial or maybe they are going to come out of it better? i hope i see a butterfly instead of a moth from them ha ha

    1. Hi,

      When someone appears to be blocked from reason, there could be many things going on.

      Unless you sense a more urgent problem, then try to be patient with them and offer support.

      And guess've changed and will be the butterfly!!!


  3. My question is can we attract wayshowers or do they just appear? How can we tell what they are showing us?

    1. Hi,

      All the world is our mirror. Everyone is a wayshower, just in different stages of transformation.

      When you see someone transform into a loving person, it's because they are showing your own beautiful transformation.

      When you see someone still tightly bound in the cocoon, they are revealing a part of yourself that is afraid to change and see things differently.

      There are only 2 things a wayshower can teach you -- love or fear. You will know by how they make you feel, either loving or fearful.

      More importantly, how you choose to respond to them is where you hold all the power.

      Always choose for love.

