Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Being in School

Someone commented she/he would go to a School for Dreams.  One does not have to look very far to find such a thing. 

Life is the school, thoughts are the dreams.  When you learn to guard all your thoughts to be in alignment with your dreams, life changes. 

Yet, in real life, such a school does exist and was the inspiration for the book. 


  1. Can you share what is taught in the real school? I mean how can you talk about your dreams every class? Daphne, is that waht you do?

  2. Hi,

    The focus in the "real school" is to find the power within and use it wisely.

    Through various classes and study groups, one developes the ability to hear the Voice.

    What Daphne does, is what the author does. The book is based on a real school, fictionalized to maintain privacy. For the more astute reader, there is a wealth of wisdom underneath the frolicking story.

    Hopefully, some publisher will find this a gem...but which one???

    Thank you for your interest...I can tell you are a budding student.

    L Cartin

  3. If I wanted to find a school like this what would I look for?

  4. Hi,

    ALL students in both the "real" school and the story's school come by way of synchronicity. When the student is ready, the teacher appears. Develop your passion for the spiritual realm, and a door will open.

    A good school will always be very affordable and work on a sliding fee that no one ever goes without. That consciouness demonstrates a trust in the Law of Giving and Receiving.

    You will read just how much Daphne gave for her students -- it's not to be believed.

