Thursday, June 21, 2012

Crumbling the Wall of Fear

As with this stacked pile of rocks, one tiny change can shift all the others. 

Cassandra took a chance and left her comfort zone in spite of her fears.

Good choice...she's sitting pretty right about now!

YouTube video:


  1. I kind of think fear is an instinct. If we did not have fear of somethings we wouldn't survive. It could be keeping us safe from jumping into everything that we want to.

    1. Hi,

      You are quite right, fear is a natural instinct for survival in the human experience.

      My students and I had to override that natural instinct and learn discernment. We became aware of choices that offered different outcomes.

      Our lives improved dramatically, you'll see...


  2. Interesting, this thing fear. It can protect us, but it can also hold us back.More often in our adult lives it probably gets in the way.

    1. Hi,

      You are now aware of the most significant insight in the human experience!!!

      Would you like to take a seat at my table?


  3. That table would be a different kind of place to be, lol.

    1. Hi,

      Ohhh??? I beg of you, please tell me why.

      LOA -- we must be alike.


  4. A metaphorical table of openness and possibilities-- not just meat and potatoes.

    1. Hi,

      ALL possibilities...what power that is, when used correctly.

      Don't you think?


  5. How can you tell when you need to honor your fear as an internal gauge or you have to get past your fear even if the next step is not clear? Do the characters in book have these kinds of dilemmas?

    1. Hi,

      Fear is inherent in the human condition and the block to our awareness of love's presence. Fear creates doubt and uncertainty and holds us in chaos.

      Honor only love and the next step will be perfectly clear.

      All the students in my school, in one way or another, must learn this.

