Wednesday, June 6, 2012


And to think, I almost threw the vessel out when it cracked.  The other day, when it caught my eye again, I was flabbergasted to see it had sprouted a small tree.  A maple, I believe. I don't even know where it came from.  I have oak trees on my property.

But then it got me came from the wind.  A seed with wings landed in the broken pottery.  Nature doesn't need perfection to thrive.  Why do we human beings think conditions have to be perfect in order for a new idea to flourish?

Oh wow.  It was in front of me all the time.  Things are right--just the way they are--if you have a dream. There are no limits now.

Try telling that to Jacquelyn.  She thinks my school is a strange fantasy land and my students are delusional--but she keeps showing up at my parties.  We'll see.


  1. Like sometimes it seems hopeless but I never thought of it this way. Start from where you are I guess.

    1. A dear abd very wise friend of mine always told me to "bloom where I'm planted". It amazing how hings can bloom in the harshest conditions.

    2. Hi,

      Yes, things DO bloom in the harshest of conditions.

      Did you know that during the American Revolution when the American soldiers were dying from starvation, fish began swimming both out of season and UPSTREAM? Those are two most unusual conditions.

      The result -- the Americans won against a mighty empire.


  2. Hi,

    Every miracle is immediate. It is based on one's choice to see a situation as either hopeful or hopeless.

    Abundance is the natual Law of the Universe, not its opposite. Everywhere, Nature is lavish and extravagant.

    Profusion is part of a vast scheme of reproduction in all created things and mankind is the highest of creations, but with one glitch -- we can think in duality.

    Only by misuse of thoughts do we block the wellspring of inner power.

    Always know one can "choose a new thought" -- if need be.

