Thursday, January 11, 2024

Cancer--Does Sound FREQUENCY work???

I am not a stranger to stage 4 cancer with a 3 month death sentence attached to the diagnosis. Yet, three years later, I am healthy, active, employed. (in a funeral home--LOL) In addition to taking medication, I also pay attention to natural cures such as: grounding barefoot on the earth, hugging trees, organic diet, intermittent fasting, exercise, etc. Most recently, I am listening to individuals speak about various FREQUENCIES capable of killing cancer cells. I listen to CD music supposedly resonating with healing. But, all these natural instructions sometimes overwhelm me. I do not have access or money to many of them. My INTUITION kicked in during a moment of feeling lack, and I heard the following from my INNER VOICE: "I AM your FREQUENCY for HEALTH. YOU NEED NOTHING ELSE." Let's talk...L L Cartin The Worthless Wife


  1. I am that, Dr Wayne Dyer Meditation NO ADS DURING MEDITATION 🙏- I tried to copy the web address, but no success, but this is the title. I’m sure you know it. 😘

  2. Thank you so much for reminding me of such a great author and speaker. You must know his childhood was spent in foster homes although his father was still alive. I recall Wayne stood over the grave of his father and asked him why he abandoned his son. And as you remember Wayne's INNER VOICE spoke from the grave: "To teach you forgiveness."

    Wayne's teachings have helped me learn forgiveness too. Thank you once again for the reminder!
