Friday, January 19, 2024

How to Become Successful

We can't escape our predicaments without starting a new plan of action. There is an old saying: If your head hurts from banging it against the wall, stop banging it against the wall. It sounds so simple, but doing something different must override what is already built into our emotional and mental pathways. We must first BE AWARE CHANGE is NECESSARY. Then, we need the DESIRE to CHANGE. Yet, with all that said, nothing will happen unless we master the DISCIPLINE to FOLLOW THROUGH. Manifestation of a new thing--finances, relationships, job opportunities, etc.--must have these THREE components for success. Let's talk...L L Cartin -- The Worthless Wife


  1. How do you even begin to change when you feel immobilized by your situation??????

  2. Change begins in the mind. In spite of difficulties, begin imagining yourself in new conditions. Be clear what it is you wish for yourself. Never give up that image.

    There is a LAG time relative to our desires and the actual manifestation. We can collapse time by actually ACTING according to our desired state.

    What holds all of us back is doubt. We think we need money--it helps, but NO--we need a change in mind. We think we need a relationship--it can help too, but NO--we need a change in mind.

    We are created by the CREATOR. We CAN manifest!!! The Creator did not doubt there would be Light when he called it into existence. We must seek out our Divine Heritage and think and act accordingly in order to change our situation.

    I have escaped horrible conditions by studying the science/spirit of mind. I am using that science/spirit now in order to change my current circumstances. (The blog is an example)

    In the NOW moment, both you and I have everything we imagine ourselves to have. Let's claim it together!! :)
